The Empress v. Ganesh Dooley & Gopi Dooley AIR 1880

This Case Analysis is written by Aditi Shakya, student of Institute of Law, Jiwaji University Gwalior

The Empress v. Ganesh Dooley & Gopi Dooley AIR 1880

CITATION -(1880) ILR 5 Cal 351

NAME OF THE PARTIES– Empress (Appellant)

Ganesh Dooley & Gopi Dooley (Respondent)

JUDGES– Justice Mcdonell, Justice Broughton


Intent and knowledge are perhaps the two most often used concepts in criminal law. In varying degrees, both words assume the presence of a good mental attitude. The purpose and knowing mental elements of culpable murder, or the mental attitude towards the consequences of behaviour, are important to consider.

It is considered to be a case of culpable murder if it occurs under any of the three conditions listed in Section 299 IPC.

When we talk about fault aspects like intention or recklessness with regard to a certain result, or knowledge of or recklessness with regard to a particular condition, we’re talking about mens rea. There are several levels of responsibility, Section 300 there are three levels of knowledge in common law.

First degree knowledge is actual information derived from genuine beliefs, such as the facts and circumstances as they stand. There is deliberate blindness on the part of the accused in the second degree of knowing.

To put it another way, the accused’s intentional lack of curiosity or wilful blindness to something that a normal person would have asked about.

Third-degree knowledge is essentially constructive knowledge, meaning the accused simply failed to conduct an investigation. It is constructive knowledge if the offender believes something may be possible and it is more than just a whimsical notion, but he chooses not to pursue it.


In one instance, two snake-charmers named Ganesh and Gopi caught an cobra, a poisonous snake, and a few days later, they displayed it in front of onlookers in a public setting.

whom was Brojo, a youngster. Brojo seems to have been the one Groneali chose to assist him in demonstrating his ability with the snake, whose fangs had not yet been removed.

During the display, Ganesh bit the boy’s head with the snake. The child became terrified, maybe due to the snake landing on his shoulder or another reason, and attempted to shoo it away, only to get bitten in the hand and pass suddenly soon after..


  1. Whether the death was causing death by negligence?
  2. Whether deceased should be above 18 years?


The Sessions Judge believed that the case fell under s. 304a, in contrast to the jury, because the accused individuals were professional snake-charmers and were fully aware of the because of the snake’s deadly nature, and that it was their egregious carelessness to subject the youngster and the onlookers to the risk that any person in the vicinity of a venomous snake must inevitably bear.

He did not place the snake on the youngster knowing that it was “so imminently dangerous that it must, in all probability, cause death,” nor did he purposefully cause the boy’s death. In this instance, Ganesh did not anticipate the youngster would be bitten by the snake.

However, we believe that the act was performed knowing it was likely to result in death, even if death was not the intended outcome. We believe that Ganesh ought to serve a severe three-year jail term.

We believe that Gopi helped Ganesh, and as such, he should be punished under Sections 114 and 304 of the Indian Penal Code.

However, as he was not as involved in the incident, he should only serve a year in a strict jail. In accordance with that, we sentence the inmates.


In summary, There is a very narrow line separating responsible homicide from murder. Even if the outcome is the same, the courts have repeatedly attempted to distinguish between the two, with the motive behind the crime being the most important factor to take into account.

One criticism is that there is no clear cut boundary or distinction between murder and culpable homicide; yet, if we examine the rulings of many High Courts and the Supreme Court throughout time, we will see a trend indicating that the degree of responsibility is the determining factor.

The sufficient condition is that there must be a high likelihood of death in the normal course of events. When this occurs, murder is committed if the cause of the harm is deliberate and death results.

Determining whether an intentional damage is sufficient to cause death in the normal course of nature can sometimes be aided by factors such as the type of weapon used, the area of the body injured, etc.


2.Section 304 in the Indian Panel Code,

3. Empress vs Gonesh Dooley And Gopi Dooley

5. P S A Pillai’s Criminal Law, By KI Vibhute, 12th Edi, Second Reprint, 2015, Lexis Nexis Pub. P. 569.

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